Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that when I visited your club and joined back in March I took away one valuable idea from your hamfest. Your idea of giving everyone a badge upon paying their entry fee struck me as an incredibly great idea. It serves as proof of payment as well as a great souvenir. I brought this idea up to the organizers of our hamfest and they thought it was a great idea, so I got busy making badges, 255 as a matter of fact. We had 237 people that attended our hamfest and our treasurer that collected admission mentioned that he got more comments on the badge then he could count. Our hamfest also has tailgate sales which are out in the parking lot and we have had people in the past bypass the admissions table only to tour the outside sales. This did not happen this year due to being able to spot all the paying customers who sported their new badge. I heard a lot of great chatter on 2 meters the day after about it as no other club around here has ever done this before. Thanks again for letting me bring back one of your great ideas to Wisconsin.
Michael W Pickett  W9MWP