Category: Field Day

Winter Field Day 2025!

What a great time all of Team PARC had! We went to Fred R. Gannon State Park in Niceville Florida and operated as a 2 Oscar. We had satellite contacts, VHF contacts, and HF contacts! The best part was of course hunting down the signals. Thank you to all who participated on one end of the microphone or the other!

PARC Summer Field Day Results

From the ARRL, the release of the Field Day Results have been formally announced!

PARC operated at Fred R Gannon State Park as we announced in the News Feed back in late June 2024. Below are the results of the wonderful work of our volunteers and visitors!

Thank you to all who have been involved and continue to devote time and passion to this wonderful hobby!



Field Day Results for Team PARC

The results are submitted and here they are in raw form!

June 22-23, 2024 Field Day
Site Responsibility Ed Underfinger
Safety Ed Underfinger
Elected official visitor Dan Henkel, Mayor of Niceville
132 QSOs
Power mod x2
100 pts Emergency power
100 pts Public location
100 pts Public Information Table
100 pts Alternate power
100 pts Elected official visit
100 pts Social Media
1064 pts total
This is great considering performance in years past and we sure are grateful for the participants, visitors, and teammates who made this possible! The next adventure for Team PARC is going to be the continuation of our awesome Sunday Pile-Ups at 3pm located at 17 First St SE in Beautiful Downtown Fort Walton Beach Florida and our meetings and nets as indicated on the clubs calendar!
We will have more in store as we progress with multiple projects, the continuation of WIRES-X on 146.400, Room 91172, 01172! This is been a great work in progress by Mark, NC4MR! We also are working FT8 with him for a J8 call. Keep up with us and don’t forget to come visit us and get some of Randy’s, KJ4FNB’s Sausages! Curious? Come see him! Super delicious!

W4ZBB Field Day Success!!!

Wow what a weekend! Outside, fresh air, friendly faces, open communication, and QSO’s for Field day!

A very large thank you to all who participated, made contacts, and just flat out, had fun! This was a wonderful event for Team PARC at Fred R Gannon State Park in Niceville Florida! We hope your field day was wonderful as well! PARC racked up the contacts and used only battery and solar power! To add to that, we used gear that was designed for ease of use and rapid deployment! We would like to make a special thank you known to the Mayor of Niceville, Dan Henkel, who came out and got involved with Amateur Radio, understanding its operational capability, and seeing first hand how dependable Amateur Radio Communicators are to the community at large!

Another special thanks goes out to the Twin Cities Amateur Radio Club for attending the PARC Field Day Event and operating under the Club’s call, W4ZBB! We would also like to that the staff at Fred R Gannon State Park for having us and taking an esteemed interest in what we do, how to get licensed, what gear works good versus what does not, and offering input for future events!

Enjoy the photos below and take note of AA0EU’s ingenuity of a pole for his counterpoise!



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