Category: Hamfest/Tailgate!


WOW what a wonderful day for a Tailgate! If you missed the Swampfest, YOU missed a great opportunity to get great Ham items at an even better price! Below are some pictures and be looking forward to the next Major Hamfest in March 2025 (hint hint) official details to be released soon!


Amateur Radio Satellite Communications Special Event Station

Playground Amateur radio Club member KC5RFU showcased his capability with Amateur Radio Satellites and demonstrated to multiple guests at the North Okaloosa Amateur Radio Club’s Annual Hamfest in Crestview Florida!

AMSAT is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering Amateur Radio’s participation in space research and communication. As a Special Event Station, AMSAT designs, builds, and manages communication satellites to operate in space, ensuring they are available for public use. Their mission promotes space education, brings space-based STEM initiatives to life, and provides opportunities for students to communicate with astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

Key Activities:

  1. Satellite Design and Development: AMSAT designs and builds communication satellites to operate in the harsh environment of space, utilizing volunteer effort and donated resources.
  2. Satellite Operations: Once in orbit, AMSAT manages the satellites, ensuring they are available for public use.
  3. Space Education and STEM Initiatives: AMSAT promotes space education and brings space-based STEM initiatives to life, providing opportunities for students to engage with space-related activities.
  4. International Collaboration: AMSAT works in partnership with government, industry, educational institutions, and fellow amateur radio societies to advance Amateur Radio’s participation in space research and communication.

Summary: AMSAT’s Amateur Radio Satellite Communications Special Event Station is a unique platform for amateur radio operators to engage with space-based communication, while promoting space education and STEM initiatives.


PARC Pile Up Sunday Oct 6 will take place at the NOARC Hamfest!

PARC will be supporting the NOARC Hamfest at 1446 Commerce Drive Crestview Florida. So the Pile-Up for OCT 6 is canceled.

Please come visit us at the Hamfest!

What: NOARC’s Annual Amateur Radio Hamfest

When (Day 1): Saturday October 5th, 2024. VENDOR ONLY set up @ 0800. Soft show opening at 3pm until 6PM.

Amateur Radio Liscense Testing: Saturday, October 5th, 2024, at 1PM CST. Details below!

When (Day 2): Sunday October 6th, 2024. VENDORS ONLY set up @ 0600. Full show opens @ 0800.

Admittance for Visitors and guests: $7.00 each person. Ages 12 and under FREE, ages 90 and above, FREE, Scouts in uniform, FREE!

Prices: Vendor Tables/Table Spots: $10.00 each spot/space/table (good for the entire show). First reserve first served. If you are a walk-in the day of the show, tables may be limited as this show typically sells-out.

Food: Meal and bake sale services provided by the Playground Amateur Radio Club of Fort Walton Beach Florida.

TALK IN: 147.360, +, 0.6, 100 Hz Tone

Contact Information:

Hamfest Hotline 850.359.9186 or email KI4ZER@ARRL.Net

Liscense Testing: Saturday 5 October, 2024 @ 1pm CST. Cost is $10.00. Pre-registration is required at: Only FRN’s will be accepted and must be obtained prior to the show. FRN’s may be obtained HERE or got to You must provide a printed copy to test. Current Liscense holders must provide a copy of their license as part of the testing. This can be done by following this LINK. or go to . Click HERE or got to for more information on testing.

Mariana Tailgate Aug 31 2024!

Hello all
    It is time for our annual tailgate, and we are so excited to once again send you guys an invatation. Attached you will find the flyer for the tailgate, and a menu for the food truck that will be on site. We hope to see you for some Fun, Food and Fellowship. Please announce this to your club and on your NET and round tables.
Darvin Owens WB4DLX
President CARC
Labor Day Tailgate

Sponsored by the 

Chipola Amateur Radio Club

Saturday August 31st

9 am until

2691 Endeavor Blvd, Marianna Fl.

Indoor tables available on a limited basis.  So bring your tables, pop-up shelters, or just your tailgate. We have plenty of room outdoors. There is no cost for indoor or outdoor spaces. Just show up with your sale items!!

Door Prizes!!   50/50 Drawing

Food Truck on Site

talk in   146.670   -0.6mhz    no tone

Jackson County Amateur Radio Association

Fresh off the heels of the Milton Hamfest and it’s quaint stability we learned from one of our traveling friends that there is an awesome show coming up in Biloxi! We were invited of course and are working plans to CQ and DX our way over to support those that continue to support us!


The Jackson County folks have been coming to our events for a long time! Be it our annual full blown Hamfest or be it our tailgate! So why Not! Let’s show them what PARC is all about and participate with them! See the flyer and the web link below for more details!


From the Shack of Michael W Pickett W9MWP!

Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that when I visited your club and joined back in March I took away one valuable idea from your hamfest. Your idea of giving everyone a badge upon paying their entry fee struck me as an incredibly great idea. It serves as proof of payment as well as a great souvenir. I brought this idea up to the organizers of our hamfest and they thought it was a great idea, so I got busy making badges, 255 as a matter of fact. We had 237 people that attended our hamfest and our treasurer that collected admission mentioned that he got more comments on the badge then he could count. Our hamfest also has tailgate sales which are out in the parking lot and we have had people in the past bypass the admissions table only to tour the outside sales. This did not happen this year due to being able to spot all the paying customers who sported their new badge. I heard a lot of great chatter on 2 meters the day after about it as no other club around here has ever done this before. Thanks again for letting me bring back one of your great ideas to Wisconsin.
Michael W Pickett  W9MWP

Thank You to all for a Wonderful Time!

It’s wonderful to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of vendors, patrons, guests, visitors, volunteers, and associates to the Amateur Radio Hobby. Their dedication and selfless commitment play a crucial role in making such shows successful and vibrant. Their support not only fosters a sense of community but also helps in promoting and advancing the hobby as a whole. Gratitude towards these individuals is essential for the continued growth and enjoyment of amateur radio enthusiasts worldwide.

We have only some of the pictures below that have been taken and are grateful for anyone that wishes to share theirs! We hope to see you all very soon and future events and support you in the same way you have supported us!


The Playground Amateur Radio Club, INC. Fort Walton Beach Florida



Sign up for the 54th Annual Hamfest!

CQ, CQ, CQ All Hams, Enthusiasts, Vendors, and Patrons!

For 54 years, the Playground Amateur Radio Club has brought together people from all walks of life and shared a common bond! That common bond exemplifies Amateur Radio as a sustainable and enthusiastic hobby and mode of communication! This could not occur without recognizing our patrons, fellow team members, vendors, and guests!

Thank you for all of the support in one of the longest running consecutive shows! We absolutely love to host this and keep the adventure thriving! Don’t hesitate! See what is in store this year! Sign up now for tables and make your mark in Amateur Radio history!


54th Annual Playground Amateur Radio Club Hamfest Announcement!

Join us for the 54th Annual Playground Amateur Radio Club Hamfest!
1958 Lewis Turner Blvd Fort Walton Beach Florida
Friday 4pm to 6pm
Saturday 8am to 5pm
Vendors set up Friday starting 8am. No public show until 4pm. Vendors set up Saturday 6am. No public show until 8am.
We offer:
Testing, must pre-register PARCFWB@GMAIL.COM
Indoor Booths
Food Concessions
National Vendors
Local Ham Radio Dealers
Area Club Tables
ARRL Representatives
Reserve your tables and spots: PARCFWB@GMAIL.COM
$8.00 admission
$10.00 per table/spot
Boy Scouts in Uniform Free
12 and Under Free
90 and Above Free

Nov 18, 2023 Free Tailgate!

Looking for a great time for Free?! 

We at the Playground ARC in Fort Walton Beach are proud to present SwampFest 2023! This annual event is FREE to you with plenty of space available to sell, swap, barter or trade your gear!

This year, the location will be at the Greater Vision Church located at 665 Denton Blvd NW in Beautiful Downtown Fort Walton Beach!

It will run from 0800 – 1230 with Prizes, Food for a small fee and as always, plenty of vendors! Put this on your map an key in on the dial! Bring tour tables, bring your chairs, open your tailgates and open your trunks!

Talk in 146.790, -, 0.6, 100 Hz


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