PARC will be supporting the NOARC Hamfest at 1446 Commerce Drive Crestview Florida. So the Pile-Up for OCT 6 is canceled.
Please come visit us at the Hamfest!
What: NOARC’s Annual Amateur Radio Hamfest
When (Day 1): Saturday October 5th, 2024. VENDOR ONLY set up @ 0800. Soft show opening at 3pm until 6PM.
Amateur Radio Liscense Testing: Saturday, October 5th, 2024, at 1PM CST. Details below!
When (Day 2): Sunday October 6th, 2024. VENDORS ONLY set up @ 0600. Full show opens @ 0800.
Admittance for Visitors and guests: $7.00 each person. Ages 12 and under FREE, ages 90 and above, FREE, Scouts in uniform, FREE!
Prices: Vendor Tables/Table Spots: $10.00 each spot/space/table (good for the entire show). First reserve first served. If you are a walk-in the day of the show, tables may be limited as this show typically sells-out.
Food: Meal and bake sale services provided by the Playground Amateur Radio Club of Fort Walton Beach Florida.
TALK IN: 147.360, +, 0.6, 100 Hz Tone
Contact Information:
Hamfest Hotline 850.359.9186 or email KI4ZER@ARRL.Net
Liscense Testing: Saturday 5 October, 2024 @ 1pm CST. Cost is $10.00. Pre-registration is required at: Only FRN’s will be accepted and must be obtained prior to the show. FRN’s may be obtained HERE or got to You must provide a printed copy to test. Current Liscense holders must provide a copy of their license as part of the testing. This can be done by following this LINK. or go to . Click HERE or got to for more information on testing.