Are you looking to experience Amateur Radio from one of the most beautiful vacation spots in the world? If so, come out and see the Playground Amateur Radio Club (PARC)! We are ready to host you and assist if needed!
PARC is in the southern part of Okaloosa County. There are multiple repeaters in this end of the county of which 3 are fusion repeaters, allowing both analog and digital radios to reach them. They are:
- 146.790 – 100 Hz tone in Fort Walton Beach (Fusion repeater)
- 147.000 + 100 Hz tone in Destin
- 147.225 + 100 Hz tone at Duke Field (Fusion repeater)
- 444.450 + 100 Hz tone in Fort Walton Beach (Fusion repeater)
- 147.360 + 100 Hz tone in Crestview
- Simplex of 147.555
- National Calling Frequencies of 146.520, 446.000 and 223.500
We have meetings at our club house at 17 First Street FWB at 1930 CST on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, all are welcome. The 1st Thursday is tech night; the 3rd is our business night. Also, most Sunday afternoons at about 1500 CST there is a group of us there for informal chat at our weekly Pile-UP!
You can operate HF from our clubhouse!
We understand that when you travel you might end up with a VHF/UHF mobile, maybe a QRP rig, perhaps a dipole you are having problems hanging. We invite you to join our club for $30.00 yearly. This gives you complete access to the clubhouse and radio room. Joining the club you have access to an ICOM 746 Pro at 100 watts and an ICOM 738 also at 100 watts (we use this mostly for digital) and several antenna choices including rotatable beam. You are responsible to complete membership application, provide hard copy of your current license, enter contacts in our log, using your call sign or ours W4ZBB, while remaining in your authorized frequencies unless one of our higher class operators are present. This gives you the opportunity to keep up with your normal nets, your friends back home, or make that rare contact you would have missed. We also have an extensive library that you can borrow: radio, computer and electronic books from.
Amateur Radio License Testing Available
Amateur Radio Operator Examinations are held at 0900 on the second Saturday of every odd numbered month. Testing is at the PARC’s clubhouse. All candidates must bring a photo ID, valid FRN and existing licensees need an original copy of their FCC-issued license. The test fee is $15, payable by cash or check. If you have any questions concerning exam schedules, what you need to bring, or the current information pertaining to the licensing structure, please feel free to contact the exam coordinator at