Want to know how the Fox Hunt went?!!! Sure you do! Here’s the scoop!

KQ4FRB snuck out of the Playground Clubhouse and eluded detection. Traversing multiple streets, roadways, and avenues, she made her way to the top secret location [although public by nature (pun indented)]. Once there, she communicated it was a go for the hunt of the transmitter hidden in plain sight, somewhere in the Beautiful Downtown area of the City of Fort Walton Beach!

Out of the shack and into the cars the hams and guests then went! Grabbing their Yagi’s and signal detection gear. After the roar of a faint tone they separated ways to triangulate and isolate areas where the transmission was to be stronger. Arriving at areas where they thought it might be, they swept narrow and wide which made them flee.

Moving throughout the city, watching the meters and listening for the tones, they adjusted their squelches on multiple radios. Using harmonics they zeroed right in and found the elusive Fox securing a win! Even non-hams played along and found the transmission, but not before KI4ZER and his guest Derrick, securing the win! N2XU was next with his friend Steve, and little did they know, KQ4FRB had a trick up her sleeve! Once he was close, she had DJ raise the antenna from a few feet to above the trees! Now N2XU was puzzled and asked for clues from me! Gave him one we did but it only puzzled him more until finally, N2XU arrived and could celebrate once more!

If you did not participate you missed a great Fox Hunt! Following the event, we went by AA0EU’s and had ourselves a brat and dog BBQ!

Be sure to stay tuned for more events like this that you wont want to miss!