Hello all
It is time for our annual tailgate, and we are so excited to once again send you guys an invatation. Attached you will find the flyer for the tailgate, and a menu for the food truck that will be on site. We hope to see you for some Fun, Food and Fellowship. Please announce this to your club and on your NET and round tables.
Darvin Owens WB4DLX
President CARC
Labor Day Tailgate
Sponsored by the
Chipola Amateur Radio Club
Saturday August 31st
9 am until
2691 Endeavor Blvd, Marianna Fl.
Indoor tables available on a limited basis. So bring your tables, pop-up shelters, or just your tailgate. We have plenty of room outdoors. There is no cost for indoor or outdoor spaces. Just show up with your sale items!!
Door Prizes!! 50/50 Drawing
Food Truck on Site
talk in 146.670 -0.6mhz no tone

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